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"Wherever this water flows, everything will live." Ezekiel 47:9

Empowered For Greater Works


The Apostle Paul, explaining how God had impacted whole cities and nations through him, wrote in Romans 15:18-19 (NLT): “I have brought the Gentiles to God by my message and by the way I lived before them. I have won them over by the miracles done through me as signs from God, all by the power of God's Spirit. In this way, I have fully presented the Good News of Christ.”

This is the apostolic pattern that God is returning the church to today:

Message (Acts 20:21)
Manner (authentic lifestyle and good works)
Miracles (signs and wonders)

Churches need all of these to be operational if they are to fully present the gospel to, and make any impression on the world around them. 

And it is all by the power of the Holy Spirit. Join us for the Empowered for Greater Works seminar and discover the Holy Spirit’s presence and power in your life, to better equip you to reach those in your world.


What Happens at the Seminar?

  • People are filled with the Holy Spirit

  • They have powerful personal encounters with God

  • Many sick people are healed

  • Everyone receives prophetic encouragement.

 And attendees are taught how to minister all of the above to others. The school is suitable for all ages, young and old alike.

Teaching Topics

1.  Thirsting for the Supernatural

Today there is rising hunger for God’s presence and power everywhere. Explains the reason behind this and how we can thus impact the world around us.

2. The Baptism of Fire

The next move of the Spirit in the earth will be one of fire. Jesus is the one who baptises with the Spirit AND fire. Explains what this means and how it will affect us.

3. Prayer that Opens Heaven

There are three types of prayer, but only one type opens heaven over an individual, city, or nation so that transformation can come. Reveals what this powerful type of prayer is and how we can engage in it.

4. Keys to Healing the Sick

Discusses powerful keys that overcome hindrances to healing, thus empowering us to release more miracles and healings to the sick and needy.

5. Eight Ways God speaks.

God speaks in many ways. Reveals eight of the most common ways God speaks to his children and how we can operate in them. 

Note: You do not need to have attended the first School of the Supernatural to attend this second school. The topics are different and where there is continuity, some revision will be given.

The seminar will have an emphasis on practical ministry in each session and will encourage the use of God’s power in everyday situations.



The seminar was excellent. It had a really good balance between teaching and practical experience, and there was a great sense of the presence of God in the sessions. Many were touched by the Lord and empowered in turn to minister. The feedback from those who attended has been very positive. I appreciated the way in which you spoke into the life of the church during the weekend. Your insight and encouragement was really helpful. During your time with us you affirmed us in many of our core values, either prophetically or in conversation and I found that particularly encouraging.
Paul Bennetts, Senior Pastor, Life Church, Christchurch, NZ

Your ministry wonderfully blessed us last weekend. The seminar was superb and truly inspirational. Your teaching was practical, encouraging and the times of impartation saw many people released in new dimension of the Spirit while others were re-energised in their spiritual walk.
Glenn Edmonds, Senior Pastor, Hillsborough Baptist Church, Auckland, NZ

David and Greta were with us this last weekend.  As a church we have never done anything like this before.  Their ministry brought a fresh sense of the presence of God.  Many people were ministered to, across a wide denominational spectrum; Presbyterian, Anglican, and Pentecostal.  However, I think the most significant aspect of their ministry was that they encouraged “hands on” participation in the ministry of healing, empowerment, impartation, and prophecy. On Sunday David preached a word that was so appropriate for where we were at as a church, and as a result a critical decision that had to be discussed and processed that afternoon, passed with unanimous consent by the congregation. 
– Dennis Flett, Minister, Knox Church, Waitara, NZ