The Power of Hope

The theme of this sermon series is the power of hope. I believe that hope is one of the most powerful virtues in the Christian life – faith, hope and love. Often, hope is not understood, but hope is the parent of faith and the parent of love.

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Why do bad things happen to good people? Life will throw you some things that will disappoint you and cause pain, and unless we know how to handle it, hope will be killed. Consider the following story.


Overcoming The Storms Of Life

Not every bad thing that happens to us should be passively accepted. We are going to look at three types of spiritual storms that blow into our lives and how we should respond in each case. Natural storms come frequently. Some days you get a cold southerly, some days you get rain and some you get sun. We just accept that is part of life. Storms come. In some parts of the world hurricanes come and people living there get good at predicting when a storm is coming. Well it is the same with spiritual storms and I believe that these are becoming more frequent and more intense today.


Understanding Hope

We now want to talk about what hope is, as we have alluded to it in the first two messages. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13  God is not only the God of love and the God of peace; He is the God of hope. He wants us to be filled, in fact, overflowing with hope.


From The Garden To The City

In this last message of the series on the power of hope it wouldn't be right to talk about hope if we didn't look at the ultimate reason for hope. Hope is to do with the future. The ultimate hope is "Christ in us, the hope of glory". We need to understand what the glory is this verse is talking about. I want to take you on a journey from the Garden to the City.