Destiny is Calling


Destiny. To destine, according to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, means to appoint, foreordain, devote, or set apart a person or thing for a task, service, or achievement. Destiny is the unfolding pathway of God's purposes for individuals and nations. Destiny is calling to individuals and nations in 2021 and the choices we and governments make will be vitally important and watched by heaven. It is possible that the destiny of the world for the next two to three decades will be decided in these next two to three years.

Many nations are hanging in the balance right now and can tip either way into the judicial discipline of God or the blessing of God. Their governments’ moral decisions will determine the direction they go. There is a wide and popular path that leads to destruction, and a narrow way (compressed by pressure, contracted) that leads to life (Matthew 7:13). More than ever before, Christians must pray that nations choose wisely and that God’s Kingdom will break forth in transforming power.


What is true for nations is also true for individuals, families, and businesses. Proverbs 3:5, 6 (RSV) says, “Trust the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.”  God has our destinies (straight paths) planned. What actually happens however depends on our choices. And on who we are connected with. Look for strategic relationships that the Lord brings into our lives this coming year. These are people he will send, not to be used, but to be welcomed as door openers. And we should do the same for others. Destiny’s call is not for selfish ambition. It is so that God may position us to bring his love and influence to societies and nations that so desperately need direction at this time.

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In 2021, if we make the right choices and right connections, doors of destiny will open to us. To do so we need to hear correctly. Some time ago, I remembered an incident that took place in the early 2000’s. At the time, I lived on the North Shore of Auckland and had to drive out to East Auckland to purchase some vehicle parts. Never having visited the area before, I felt as if I was in a completely different world.   Then a strong impression came, “You will live out here one day.”

 It seemed absurd. We had no plans to shift and circumstances at the time would not permit it. Therefore, I dismissed the impression. Four years later, we had built a home and joined a church in East Auckland! What seemed foreign territory has now become familiar territory. Destiny is like that. New opportunities and pathways seem so foreign and challenging; later we feel at home on destiny’s pathway.

I asked the Holy Spirit why he brought this incident to mind and why he speaks things that at the time circumstances do not allow. He replied that it was to assure me that I was hearing correctly. May I encourage you to listen carefully in 2021. Destiny is calling. How you hear and choose is very important.  Let’s not dismiss God’s voice because it seems unfeasible. And let’s be encouraged by the promise in Psalm 73:23-24(NLT), “I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.”


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